Skin Care Store Australia | Star Medics

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1 Union St
Pyrmont, NSW, 2009

02 9518 4984

Star Medics. A skin care made by doctors. A skin care the delivers on promises of heathy and rejuvenated skin.


Our Philosophy


Skin Care Shop

Skin Care Shop

Star Medics

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Skin Project


Skin Care Store


Who is it that makes your skin care?

It is more than likely it is made by a large cosmetics company or expensive label that is more interested in profit, that customer results. As doctors who deal with skin every day ,we felt our patients deserve better products than the ones we were able to source. So we decided to create our own. And partner with some of the best with what’s available. You deserve the very best in skin care.

Proper Skin Care For Your Face

Formulated by doctors at Star Cosmetic Medicine and cosmetic pharmacists. Practitioners that regularly use lasers, compounded medicines, wrinkle injections and dermal fillers to improve skin quality and integrity. We know that an at home skincare is an important tenant of skin maintenance.

The Difference?

Most skincare is most focused on marketing and paying for celebrity figurehead rather than true results. The difference with Star Medics and Skin Project is that they are crafted from the ground up to have active ingredients, at the right doses and with the right delivery mechanisms for them to achieve the results. We are confident that these are the best topical skin treatments can do at home without a prescription.

Night Or Day

When people are using creams in the daytime and night-time, they will be able to care for their easily. Someone who wears a day cream will be able to keep their skin moist during the day. If you choose to wear a night cream, your face is going to be moisturized when you are sleeping. These choices need to be made based on your lifestyle, skin care needs and the price of the products.

Sun Protection

Every woman needs to wear cosmetics that have skin care protection built in. These sun creams are much more effective when they are buried in makeup because they can be worn every day. You can protect your skin from the sun regardless of where you go, and you will not have to smell like traditional sun creams.

The best way for a woman to care for her skin is to use the right regimen. When a woman follows the steps above, she will be able to make her skin look fresh, youthful and soft.